Source code for django_marina.test.clients

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from django.test import Client
from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject

def _get_soup(response):
    """Return soup for response."""
    if hasattr(response, "render") and callable(response.render) and not response.is_rendered:
    return BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")

[docs] class ExtendedClient(Client): """Client with added features.""" USER_IGNORE = -1
[docs] def request(self, **request): """Request a response from the server.""" response = super().request(**request) # Inspired by response.soup = SimpleLazyObject(lambda: _get_soup(response)) return response
[docs] def force_login(self, user, backend=None): """ Force given user to login. When `user` is `ExtendedClient.USER_IGNORE`, this method does nothing. When `user` is `None`, this will force a logout. In all other cases, `user` will be logged in. """ if user != self.USER_IGNORE: if user is None: self.logout() else: super().force_login(user, backend)
[docs] def generic(self, *args, user=USER_IGNORE, **kwargs): """ Force given user to login, then fetch request and return response. This adds the keyword argument `user` to all methods that end up calling `generic`, including `get()` and `post()`. When no `user` is set to `ExtendedClient.USER_IGNORE` (default), no special action is taken. When `user` is `None`, the request will be performed on an anonymous request (user logged out). When `user` is provided and not `None`, the request will be performed with that user logged in. """ self.force_login(user) return super().generic(*args, **kwargs)